

This day is a gift

March 22nd, 2012 (Thursday)
Heading out on the desert trail
If it is good, then one should repeat it. Hence, the children read, played lego or went on computers while I read two chapters of my book, undisturbed, poolside. Then the oldest and youngest came down to join me. Why does my five year old, in a wet bathing suit, climb on top of my warm and dry body? Why does the five year old eat pretzels while balanced on top of my stomach? And, he is oblivious to it all because he is so busy talking. This is a good thing. Then more kids arrived. I would like to say that due to my exemplary parenting skills we had a lovely time splashing, playing and enjoying the pool. Ha! This is no fantasy vacation. There was a tug-o-war over the kick board, fighting over the 5 year old ("No, I get to play with him"), dunking, splashing, and lots of whining. I threatened, cajoled and finally was grateful when the beloved husband showed up. It takes both of us to manage these boys. And it is moments like this that I wonder what the true definition of a holiday really is!
Butt first then oldest jumps down 8 ft slide
We dashed off for lunch, took a walk down the crazy boardwalk loaded with spring break revellers, and a quick trip to the second hand bookstore looking for something to help pass the time on the long drive home. That begins tomorrow.

Last chance for crazy bootcamp today. We head out to Sara Park earlier so we don't get trapped in the dark. We have no plans and we left the trail map at the room. The two boys and I ride across the ridges, down through the washes, and arrive at a slot canyon glowing pink in the fading dusk. The colours are magnificent. We drop the bikes. We don't have much time. We run then jump and hop over smooth pink boulders as the canyon wall curves and narrows to an eight foot slide. Feet first, butts down, we slide it. Whoosh. We climb walls. We get as far as we can until we are blocked by a pool of stagnant lime green water. I am not for wading in it. The light is gone and we must get back. We reverse our climb, our run, and hop on the bikes to ride out from the murky purpled desert. This is the way to celebrate the end the vacation. This day is a gift. I am blessed.

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